Not sure what to create? Here Are 3 Types of Content Your Business Needs


Creating Three Types of Content For Your Business

Content creation is a crucial aspect of any brand or business. However, for smaller entities that focus on delivering services, creating content can be a daunting task. This article aims to simplify the process by breaking down the three types of content that are essential for any brand or business.

There are three types of content that you'll need to create: ongoing content, value-based content, and selling content.

1. Ongoing Content

Ongoing content is not necessarily focused on value but should contain one to three insights of your own. This content can be written by AI or a ghostwriter, and the same concept applies to social media as well. The purpose of ongoing content is to remind your potential leads, customers, and would-be customers that you exist. It provides quick wins, challenges old beliefs, or states unpopular opinions. It's not designed to revolutionize someone's life but to maintain your presence.

2. Value-Based Content

Value-based content should be researched and can be done with AI. This type of content dives deep into one specific topic, covering multiple aspects of the same field or a case study. It should focus on providing a guide towards a significant win. For example, if you do Google advertisements, you can take a case study on how Google advertisement enabled a direct-to-consumer brand to triple their income. This type of content is perfect for establishing authority and credibility.

3. Selling Content

Selling content triggers action and focuses on the next best step. It can be partially written with AI, but most of it will be written by hand. The purpose of selling content is to guide your leads down the funnel, moving them from being problem unaware to researching solutions.

The Role of AI in Content Creation

AI plays a significant role in content creation. It can write ongoing content, research for value-based content, and partially write selling content. However, producing content at scale manually can be challenging. Ongoing content can be produced once a week or more if you have a team. Selling content should be produced when you have something to sell, and occasionally, you can recycle old content.

Final Thoughts

Content creation doesn't have to be overwhelming. By understanding the three types of content and how to create them, you can effectively engage your audience and grow your brand or business.