Stop asking AI to write for you. Do this instead...

Stop asking AI to write for you. Do this instead...

How to add personal experience and perspective to AI content.

Yeah, Yeah, Most Content Creators Use AI "Wrong"

An interesting perspective that I've observed is that not many people use AI to its full extent.

This observation applies to the realms of article writing, content creation, podcast production, video production, and even advertising.

The typical usage of AI is rather rudimentary.

Most people employ AI to generate content, pulling from various sources whether it's related to regular "Browse With Bing" AI activities or a specific ingested database.

This often results in a very generic set of content about equally generic topics. Although the final product might bear relevance to a specific business based on the documentation provided, much of the output is subpar, low-value content.

The Problem With Such "Content"

The true potential of AI doesn't lie in regurgitating generic information. Its power is most evident when infused with individual experiences, personal knowledge, unique thoughts, and novel ideas.

One profound mistake content creators make when generating content at scale is by aiming to produce many pieces of superficially designed, search-friendly, generic content to garner traction in Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Google, however, isn't fooled by this tactic. It recognizes that generic, easy-to-find content isn't what users are after.

There's already an overabundance of such material available. What Google values is E-E-A-T — Experience, Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness.

What's the Alternative?

This article is an example.

I feed AI MY OWN words. In my own voice. Yes, literally voice, because, voice is the easiest communication channel for me.

The audio I'm recording right now involves me talking into a microphone, sharing my ideas, discussing AI-generated content, and offering my personal perspective.

This recording will be transcribed and subsequently used to formulate an article - almost verbatim.

The words I choose and the order in which I lay them out originate from my personal viewpoint. This method imbues writing with a distinctive touch of my knowledge.

Let's go back to E-E-A-T

In this article, I will interchangeably use word "readers" and "Google" on purpose. In good writing, it should not matter, whether I write for algorithms or humans. So I will intentionally focus on my Experience, Expertise, Authority and why you should Trust me.

How it Applies

I share my own experience

In this blog and article's case, the "E-E-A-T" is brought to light by my personal experiences.

For instance, my method of using voice recording to generate articles stems from my personal discovery. It's a strategy I've personally adopted, rather than one I've borrowed from online sources.

Readers determine topic Authority from collective content

Next is authority, which I have earned by experimenting with AI and attempting content creation through dictation to AI. Having delved into various machine learning models, algorithms, and embeddings, I am well-versed on this topic. While authority is difficult to showcase in a single article, readers (and Google) take a holistic approach: the entire blog or website.

Readers trust someone who is human

Trustworthiness is achieved through my other writings and other content as well.

As you engage with my articles and listen to my podcasts, it becomes clear that you're not interacting with a machine-generated piece. Rather, you're consuming articles or small bits of information "ghostwritten by AI" based on the explicit thoughts I've shared.

Notice, AI does NOT add, subtract or misinterpret the context. It simply corrects the flow, simplifies some sentences, adds punctuation and that's it.

My skills and knowledge are my Expertise

My expertise is demonstrated through my extensive background in optimization as a developer. Having spent well over a decade working as a software engineer to improve businesses' performances, toiling with SEO, collaborating with marketing agencies, and even handling clients in content marketing, I possess a deep understanding of the current industry dynamics.

For example, in some articles, I might share examples from my past work.

AI cannot do that.

The Personality is THE MOST IMPORTANT

While AI, such as ChatGPT or other machine learning models, can undoubtedly generate ample content using its vast pool of knowledge, it cannot provide one critical aspect — personality.

As an entity devoid of human experiences or even a distinct personality, AI cannot deliver content as a human could. Having said this, it's possible to assign two different personas to the same AI and have it generate distinctly different content.

My writings provide personal insights, and recount my journey of acquiring this knowledge. I ingest (while dictating or in post-production editing) my own quirks and phrasing.

Final Thoughts

Creating this type of writing doesn't require much effort - but requires KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCE and PERSONAL PERSPECTIVE.

Five minutes of dictation and an hour of editing is all I need since the thoughts flow naturally. The creation is rather an enjoyable process.

In conclusion, the efficient use of AI doesn't involve it mindlessly churning out articles. Instead, it's about leveraging voice-recording technology to generate content that doesn't make you sound like a f*cking machine.