What jobs will stay in post-AGI world?

What jobs will stay in post-AGI world?

Why some will still prefer human employees.

I want to explore this. Perhaps give some of you some hope, direction or something to think about.

It's not a question of IF, but rather WHEN.

So, when AI (AGI) & robots and machines will replace a significant portion, if not most, of our jobs, what jobs will remain?

Which roles will we continue to perform as humans?

The more I think about it, the more I realize that it's similar to how we purchase a painting or attend a concert to listen to humans play instruments today. Yes, machines can perform those better, but humans provide that personal touch.

We frequent restaurants not just to consume nutrients, but to experience and enjoy the meal. I don't believe these inherent desires will disappear.

Regarding the future of jobs, I predict that human-operated experiences will become a luxury. They might even be exclusive and distinguishable as handmade or handcrafted, much like how we currently purchase handmade shoes or clothes as status symbols. Let's use a restaurant as a concrete example.

Presently, we go to a restaurant where people cook for us, serve us, and recommend wine based on their personal preferences and knowledge. This involves human interaction and conversation. Fast forward a few years, and we could be directed to our table by a machine, order our food through a computer screen, and have it delivered to us by a drone or robot. The whole process would take just a few minutes. This will become the norm.

Even today, if you visit a fast-food chain like McDonald's, you're likely ordering at a kiosk, not a cashier, unless you're from an older generation. Some of the food is prepared by semi-automated machines. This level of automation is only going to increase. Eventually, we might not have people in restaurants at all, perhaps just an engineer overseeing everything, who might even be an AI.

Going to a restaurant will become an exclusive experience. Other human endeavours like acting, painting, sports, and competition will also continue. We enjoy watching other humans compete and excel, not just for the competition itself but for the emotional and relational aspects.

Watching two AI compete in a video game might be fun, but it won't be as entertaining as watching real humans. The same goes for movies. Films featuring real humans will always be more interesting than those generated by AI.

Roles that provide meaning will also persist, like philosophers, priests, religious figures, and others who provide emotional significance to humans. We attend church, listen to philosophers, and read books because we want to be part of the thought process.

Emotional and health-related roles will also stay. While AI can perform the function of a psychiatrist or psychologist, it lacks empathy and understanding of the human struggle. Counselors, coaches, life coaches, and mentors will continue to be in demand.

There's also the human touch to consider. Massages, therapy, personal training - these roles will continue to be performed by humans, not because they're more knowledgeable, but because they provide a sense of companionship.

The adult entertainment industry will also continue to employ humans. Despite the availability of virtual girlfriends and sex bots, people will always crave intimate connections with other humans.

While other professions will likely remain, these are the ones that I believe will continue to be performed by humans.